Crown jewels of Bohemia will be exposed till 29 May 2016

Crown jewels of Bohemia will be exposed till 29 May 2016

For a couple of days you still have the unique possibility to see the crown jewels of Bohemia. St Wenceslaus’ crown made for the coronation of Charles IV and the Habsburg’s royal sceptre as well as an orb from 16th century you can see in Vladislav Hall (Vladislavský sál) of the Old Royal Palace (Starý královský palác) in Prague castle till Sunday 29 May 2016.

Entrance: through the southern castle gardens from the street Na Opyši or Staré zámecké schody (Old Castle steps) – Rajská zahrada – Zahrada Na Valech – Plečnik Bull staircase (Plečnikovo Býčí schodiště)

Opening hours: 9 AM – 5 PM (Number of visitors per day is limited. The entrance to the garden is closed every day immediately after reaching the maximal number of visitors (can be closed several hours before closing of the exhibition hall).

More about crown jewels of Bohemia: