Býčí skála the mysterious cave will be open to public in May 2015

In May 2015 there will be the possibility to visit the mysterious cave Býčí skála (Bull´s rock) near Adamov in the Czech republic.



The mysterious cave Býčí skála – during guided tours you will learn more about the discovery of a burial of a celtic nobleman accompanied with ritually killed humans and many votive gifts like a ring or a unique statue of a bronze bull, to which owns the cave its name. You will hear about the using of the cave by Nazis but also about the recent work of the speleologists in the cave.

The mysterious cave Býčí skála

For more information and dates of the visit: www.byciskala.cz. According to this website should be open: in May 8, 9, 10,16, 17, 23 a 24 – from 9 AM till 4 PM (visits with a Czech speaking guide).

Note: Statuette of the bull you can find in the Museum of Natural History in Vienna. Unfortunately till autumn 2015 is the prehistorical exhibitionclosed to public – Naturhistorisches Museum Wien.